Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

ALOHA! - Let's make a VINYL LP of this fantastic album by "I Belli Di Waikiki", four crazy and fun guys from around Venice, Italy

To put some sun into your heart we would like to release the album Aloha by I Belli Di Waikiki on vinyl. Expect a lovely mix of rockin', swingin' and dreamy sounds in the Hawaiian tradition. These four fantastic musicians from Italy will take you instantly to an island paradise. To realize this project we need your help.
17.05.21 - 11.08.21
End of September 2021
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 2.500 €

The money is used to cover some of the costs of production, pressing and design. All the money goes to the production and shipping of the vinyl record.

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Thank you for your support!!!

Andy Widder
Andy Widder1 min Lesezeit

Aloha Kāne & Wahine,

The crowdfunding campaign for the LP "Aloha" by I Belli Di Waikiki has just ended. Unfortunately we couldn't raise our minimum goal for the project.
However, we would like to thank every one of you who supported our project. We really appreciate your efforts! Your contribution and interest mean a lot to all of us.

Die Crowdfunding-Kampagne für die LP "Aloha" von I Belli Di Waikiki ist soeben beendet worden. Leider konnten wir unser Mindestziel für das Projekt nicht erreichen.
Dennoch möchten wir uns bei allen bedanken, die unser Projekt unterstützt haben. Wir wissen alle Bemühungen wirklich zu schätzen! Euer Beitrag und euer Interesse bedeuten uns allen sehr viel.

Stay safe & Keep on Rockin‘

I Belli Di Waikiki (Luky, Giacomo, Luca and Stefano)
Andy Widder & the team of PART Records

Rockin' Rollin' Products
Andreas Widder
Daimlerstr. 13
69234 Dielheim Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE144365152
Vinyl Album: I Belli Di Waikiki - "Aloha"
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