Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

We want to give the filmmakers in Ukraine the possibility to go on working - so they are able to document what is happening in Ukraine.

Kinodopomoha is a collective of Ukrainian Filmmakers (directors, DP's, editors, post-production specialists, producers and drivers) who stay in Kyiv and do a documentary of the war in a very cinematic way. They are also travelling through Ukraine to get an impression on what is going on all over the country. They are showing war, destruction and the struggle of the everyday lives of the Ukrainian people but also find glimpses of hope.
15.04.22 - 14.05.22
Already working
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 50.000 €

We want to pay for the salaries of the people working on the Kinodopomoha-project for one month.

Film / Video
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Kinodopomoha is a collective of Ukrainian Filmmakers (directors, dp's, editors, post-production specialists, producers and drivers) who stay in Kiew and do a documentation of the war in a very cinematic way. They are also travelling through the Ukraine to get an impression on what is going on all over the country. They are showing war, destruction and the struggle of the everyday lives of the Ukrainian people but also find glimpses of hope.
Currently they are publishing small documentaries showing the current situation these days. You can watch those videos on their youtube-channel:
But they want to achieve even more. The plan of Kinodopomoha is to create a full-length film out of these snippets.
In order to be able to realize this full-length documentary the team in Ukraine needs money. They need technical equipment such as hard drives and on the other hand, we want to give them the possibility to make a living – even in times of war.
We want to pay the director, the DPs, producers, editors and all of the people involved in this project.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

We want to fund the Kinodopomoha-collective for as long as possible providing financial support for their work.

The project is interesting for everybody who
- wants to help the people who stayed in Ukraine
- wants to contribute film community
- the best way to tell the story of this war is through the lenses of
Ukranian film-makers

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

In moments like these, the film making community should stick together and support each other. Only now we have the possibility to show the reality of this war independently and to document what really happens there for the world and future generations.
We urgently want to show the resistance of the Ukrainian people and give at least some hope to everybody suffering in this situation.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money will be directed to maintain a production line in Ukrainian territory.
- Equipment maintenance
- Logistics costs
- Food & shelter
- Legal & accounting support

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

The project is realized by the Kinodopomoha collective.
The crowdfunding for the project is organized by the Royal Film Company, a Film production Company from Germany .


Das Crowdfunding-Projekt war nicht erfolgreich und kann nicht mehr unterstützt werden.

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Was heißt das?
Royal Film Company GmbH
Corinna Vick
Rotenwaldstrasse 84 a
70197 Stuttgart Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE293955525
Kinodopomoha - Help the filmmakers of Ukraine
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