Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Beautifully designed and crafted LP gatefold with full sized booklet for collectors and music enthusiasts!

Klabautamann is a metal band from Bonn, Germany that started out as a fun black metal project and transformed into a more proggy and serious direction. The new material on the upcoming album 'numbered' has only hints of the raw black metal past and aims to be a diverse and rich experience, involving a lot of great artists from all over Europe. This campaign is about creating a high end LP version for all our loyal fans, music lovers and collectors that wished for a Klabautamann vinyl release!
18.09.21 - 18.10.21
December 2021
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.000 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

The album is titled 'numbered' and that's what it's about: everything in life being limited - or 'numbered'.

It has a personal background for myself, as I suffered some losses in my family during the last years and - as everybody does - experienced stages of life ending and new ones starting. That confronted me harshly with the concept of finiteness. Painful as it may be, this finiteness is what makes time on this planet precious. I decided that I no longer wanted to waste any of my precious time here - and I certainly do not want to waste yours!

That's why I wanted the album to be a rich and valuable experience - for the listeners, but also for me and the artists involved.

I knew I couldn't do it alone, and I didn't want to. After Klabautamann became a one-man-project when Flo left the band during the recording of Smaragd and the isolating corona times I really wanted to collaborate. So I reached out to a lot of very talented artists from all over Europe (most of which I had worked together with previously, some close friends) and asked them for their creative input in form of lyrics, musical performance, production, artwork etc.

Everybody involved added something unique and special - and I am really overwhelmed by all contributions and the combined outcome!

But here are some songs from the album to check out, so you can form your own opinion:

Important note: colours of the artwork and the material of the gatefold will be different than shown on the picture. I'll upload a more accurate version once available. It will be the same artwork, just with slightly different colours and material.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The goals is to collect at least 4000 € to allow me producing

  • a high end vinyl version of our upcoming album 'numbered' with
  • very beautiful artwork and manufacturing
  • being limited to 100 to 200 copies

This campaign is for our loyal fans, music lovers and collectors that always wished for another Klabautamann vinyl release and value a unique and high quality product.

Creating special vinyl releases in small numbers is very expensive - something I can not afford at the moment. The album is already recorded, mixed, mastered etc - and therefore ready to be released. So this campaign is only about raising money for the LP production costs, everything else is already settled.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

I could not have done this project without all the help and input I received by all the fellow artists (as mentioned in 'What is this project all about?') - as I can not realise the vinyl release without your help!

You can become part of this project with your contribution and by selecting one/more personal rewards, like

  • a signed LP version of album
  • your name printed in thank you section of the album
  • a notebook with the artwork
  • walk or run with me (Tim) through Siebengebirge (a hilly nature reserve close to Bonn with view upon the Rhine)
  • and much more

Thank you very much!

You can also support this project by sharing this campaign!

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

All the money will be used to finance the production of the high quality vinyl version of the upcoming Klabautamann album 'numbered'.

If more than 4000 € are collected

  • half of the excess will be given to the professional musicians involved in this album as a bonus (corona has been hard especially on musicians)
  • the other half will be used to to make future Klabautamann Releases possible

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

  • Tim Steffens - that's 'me', the main songwriter of Klabautamann screaming on some parts of the album and playing different instruments (guitar, bass, keys, mandolin) on it. Well, and as I'm the only permanent member in the 'band' I also do all the administration stuff (like this campaign :-) )
  • Anna Murphy is known from Eluveiti (where she played some years ago), her band Cellar Darling and her 'self-titled' solo project. Being a musical super-talent singing and playing loads of different instruments (including hurdy-gurdy) was not enough for her and so she started a career as audio engineer at the Soundfarm studio in Switzerland. On this album she performed on one song (vocals, flute, mellotron) and acted as mixing engineer. Read more ...
  • Tom Kvålsvoll is the mastering legend of the Norwegian black metal scene and has done albums Dimmu Borgir, Emperor, Mayhem and Valborg - as well as our record 'Merkur' and now also 'numbered'. For a long time he worked at Strype Audio in Oslo and just recently relocated to a small Island in front of Kristiansand where he runs his own studio 'Kvalsonic Lab' Read more ...
  • Marlon Drescher is an incredibly gifted drummer whose play can already be heard on out first album 'Our Journey through the woods' and a long friend of mine. He has supported us on many gigs as singer or drummer. Besides his one man band projects Malus and Somnium Mortuum (where AFAIK he does EVERYTHING himself: playing, recording, mixing, artwork) he has a youtube channel Raw Future where he talks about vegan nutrition, self-supply and bike travels. We recorded the drums at his house in Hungary. Read more ...
  • Andreas März is guitar player and singer at Steorrah - a proggy death metal band from Bonn who I admire a lot! He can be heard on 4 songs on 'numbered'. It was the first time we worked together - and I'm really impressed by the result! Read more ...
  • Christoph Graf is a long time friend, fellow musician and hiking partner of mine. Together we roamed the wilderness in remote and feral mountain ranges and played on several stages and albums. His wife sings in their grind core band Excrete. On 'numbered' he plays the guitar on several tracks and helped me recording my guitar parts. Read more ...
  • Stephan Otto is known from band like Nebelung and Serpent Eater where he plays bass - like on the last track of the new album. Even though I've known him for a quite a long time (Hansahaus 308 :-) ), it's actually the first time we did music together! I love it! Read more ...
  • Stephan Wehrbein is a gifted singer, drummer and piano player - who is currently mainly involved with Screaming Souls and Servants to the Tide. We've started making music together 20 years ago, and it has always been a pleasure! Read more ...
  • Ingo Kerstjens lives in Spain and is one of my oldest friends (I met him at school in Barcelona). He plays bass (at 400 Gramos), the piano and sings (very beautifully). We've done dozens of musical projects together - from wedding songs to death metal (My Dark Passenger) - and he can also be heard on 'Smaragd'. On 'numbered' he sings on 4 songs. Can't wait for the next project! Read more ...
  • Chester Gerritse lives in the Netherlands and plays guitar & keyboard and sings. I got to know him via Ingo - and I think he was involved almost every musical project Ingo and I did. For me we form a "dream team" together - with everybody contributing completely different angles. On 'numbered' he wrote the lyrics for 3 songs - and also sang on 3 songs. Read more ...
  • Gabor Schary plays bass at Trottoir. His fretless bass can also be heard on the first and only Skarab album (an earlier band project of mine). On 'numbered' he plays bass on 4 songs. Read more ...
  • Nikolaus Garmsen is a relatively unknown, young and talented composer and audio engineer. He was also involved in the mix of 'Smaragd' some years ago. On 'numbered' he created very atmospheric synths for 2 songs.
  • Thomas Hansen is a writer based in Ireland. He's a friend of the Zeitgeister clan, but I've actually never met him in person. With the internet it was still possible for him to contribute lyrics to 'Smaragd' - and on 'numbered' he is also responsible for the lyrics of 3 songs!
  • Christopher Duis is a freelance graphic designer who you might know from his musical performance and his graphical work for his band Kerbenok. He is responsible for the artwork & layout on 'numbered'. It was the first time collaborating with him and I was very pleased with the creative process - as I am with the outcome! Read more ...
  • Moritz Hellfritzsch is filmmaker based in Bonn. Aside from documentations and movies he has created music videos for bands like Jack Slater. He helps me with PR (I really suck at that) and his partner Anna Piotrowski have done a very cool and arty video for the song 'conflict' from our new album. Read more ...

I'm really grateful for everyones help - also those not mentioned here! Thank you!!!


Tim Steffens
Kölnstr. 197
53111 Bonn Deutschland
New Klabautamann Album 'numbered' as Vinyl
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