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A community platform for giving voice to people living in Berlin who might otherwise not be heard.

‘Looka Here’ magazine is a platform for giving voice to individuals and groups living in Berlin who might otherwise not be heard. The magazine features a community forum, articles on relevant political issues, poetry, photography, literature, reviews and interviews with artists. The magazine reflects the vibrant and diverse social reality in Berlin and the struggles some individuals must face.
20.02.17 - 12.03.17
March 2017
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
350 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

‘Looka Here’ magazine is a platform for giving voice to individuals and groups living in Berlin who might otherwise not be heard. The magazine features a community forum, articles on relevant political issues, poetry, photography, literature, reviews and interviews with artists.
The magazine reflects the vibrant and diverse social reality in Berlin and the struggles some individuals must face.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

We have published articles in several languages including English, German and Turkish.
Previous issues included stories about Black History Month, articles by political activists, literature by local poets and authors as well as useful information for refugees (see:
The next issue will feature a series of photographs by Muhammed Lamin Jadama, an article on Basic Income, poetry, an interview with a student, as well as other continuing features.

Our goal is to print the next issue with photographs by Muhammed Lamin Jadama in color to fully represent these powerful images. We plan to publish 250 copies in February. These will all be distributed for free. The magazine is for everyone.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

To foster dialogue in your local community and support the work of artists, writers and activists.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money will solely be used to cover the printing costs to send issues to our supporters as well for preparing the launch of the next issue which will feature readings by some of our contributors.
Every supporter will receive a pdf of the magazine and an invitation to our launch party as well.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

We are a group of three friends and activists based in Berlin. Looka Here has become a way for us to support and empower our local community.


Clear Blue Water e.V.

Clear Blue Water e.V. is an association devoted to the support of intercultural potentials in Berlin through the mediums of theater, performance: music and poetry, and sport (One World Basketball team and three youth basketball teams).

Looka Here Magazine No.12
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