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The NURMI-Study (NURMI – Nutrition and Running high Mileage) ist eine internationale und interdisziplinäre vergleichende Laufstudie die darauf abzielt ein breites Fundament für wissenschaftliche Aussagen zur sportlichen Leistungsfähigkeit von Läufern bei Mischkost, vegetarischer und veganer Ernährung zu schaffen.
06.05.15 - 26.06.15
Oktober 2014 - Dezember 2018
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Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
5.000 €
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Only 8 weeks to go!

Dr. Katharina Wirnitzer
Dr. Katharina Wirnitzer2 min Lesezeit

We hope you had a successful 2015 season, and without injury.

The largest study on running in Europe is still running but the countdown has already begun: only 8 weeks to go.

When you have completed the online questionnaire in STEP 2,
please do not forget to complete your NURMI running event and then the short online questionnaire in STEP 3. Thank you very much!

Data for all stages (STEP 1 to STEP 3) will continue to be collected until 31 December 2015,
so you have until 31. 12. 2015 to catch up.
This means you can register even on 31 December 2015 for the main NURMI Study STEP 2 & STEP 3 (Login remains the same for STEP 3)
and so compete in a half marathon or marathon, which we could call the NURMI New Year`s Eve run.

All runners who register for the main study by 31 December 2015 have a further 10 days, i.e. until 10 January 2016, to complete the short online questionnaire for STEP 3.
So there is plenty of time to enjoy running, to celebrate on New Year`s Eve, to start 2016 and to complete the NURMI-Study without any pressure.

This year autumn is so wonderful so perhaps you would be able to take part in a ‚little‘ half marathon. Science, and in particular we in the NURMI team, would thank you heartily.
We wish all of you a wonderful time and relaxing runs through colourful crisp autumn leaves.

Best wishes,

Katharina Wirnitzer
Study coordinator, The NURMI-Study

The NURMI-Study – Europas größte Laufstudie
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