Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Kampagne, um 30 Frauen in unserem Team für das ganze Jahr 2023 dauerhafte Chancen zu bieten.

Das Projekt dient zur Stärkung unserer lokalen Teams und die Deckung der Kosten für den Betrieb unserer Organisation in Indien und Kenia während des gesamten Jahres 2023. Die Gelder (25.000€) werden dazu verwendet, die Anzahl der Frauen, die monatlich bezahlt werden, von 10 auf 15 zu erhöhen - um ihnen damit finanzielle Stabilität zu geben; die jährliche Miete unserer beiden Zentren zu decken; die Ausgaben für alle unsere Bildungs- und alle Schulgebühren für die bedürftigen Kinder zu decken.
22.12.22 - 31.01.23
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Thanks for your support and here are some updates

Carla Maria de Souza Barbosa
Carla Maria de Souza Barbosa1 min Lesezeit

Hello everyone,

I want to first take this opportunity to really share how grateful I am for your contribution, your support makes a huge difference for us!

2022 was a very though year for our organization, and for that reason, out of our usual fundraising calendar, we had to put this campaign together.

We got 18 days to go and ideally, we should be able to raise 25.000€ during this period, so we could secure all the women part of our organization with everything we usually offer them, like food support, medical care (emergencies and prenatal care), rent, school fees for the children in more vulnerability, our mental health program and all the expenses of our both centers in India and Kenya. The cost of one woman per year in our project, is approximately 833€. So far, we have secured the continuation of 5 individuals, from our total group of 30.

If you still have family or friends who you believe could be interested in the work we do, please share the campaign with them. Each contribution makes us get closer to our goal.

I wish you a great week ahead and thanks once again,

Big hug from Berlin,

Project Tres gemeinnützige UG
Carla Maria de Souza Barbosa
Luxemburger Str. 5A
13353 Berlin Deutschland
Project Tres gUG - für Frauen in Indien und Kenia 2023
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