Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Wir wollen Jaguare in Costa Rica retten. Und verdammt guten Kaffee für alle.

Deshalb bringen wir beides zusammen. Sag Hallo zu zwei exklusiven, herrlich wilden Varianten unseres „Roast for the Roar“-Projektkaffees! Mit dem Erlös unterstützen wir das Naturschutzgebiet 'Territorio Jades' in Santa Marta und sichern damit den Lebensraum vieler Spezies, insbesondere den der Jaguare. Wir arbeiten mit Humedales Lancaster zusammen, einer Organisation, die sich schon seit 1996 dafür einsetzt, Costa Ricas einzigartige Natur zu schützen.
31.05.24 - 30.06.24
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 4.000 €

Regenerierung von mindestens 40.000 Quadratmetern Land.

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Leben an Land

Update on the Rewards

Emily Tajima
Emily Tajima1 min Lesezeit

Dear "Roast for the Roar" Supporters,

We are happy to share some exciting news about your rewards!

First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support. Thanks to you, we are turning our dream of creating a project coffee that embodies uncompromising flavour, purpose, and quality into reality!

Here’s what you can expect in the coming weeks:

Coffee Shipments: Mark your calendars! On 1st August, we'll start shipping out our delicious roasts. Get ready to elevate your mornings with bloody good coffee for a bloody good cause!

Tote Bags: Our eco-friendly tote bags are still in production, but we assure you they are worth the wait. We aim to have them ready by early September and will keep you posted on their progress and delivery timeline.

Your patience and enthusiasm mean the world to us. We can't wait for you to enjoy the fruits (beans?) of this campaign!

Stay tuned for more updates, and once again, thank you for your wonderful support.

All the best,
Emily, 19grams, Humedales Lancaster & CarboHeroes

CarboHeroes GmbH
Daniel Pruemers
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 13
10178 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE360452917

27.06.24 - We’re adjusting our crowdfunding goal to...

We’re adjusting our crowdfunding goal to better fit our progress and ensure we can bring the project to life. Your incredible support means everything to us, and we truly appreciate each of you. ❤️

06.06.24 - We have to start somewhere

We have to start somewhere

Roast for the Roar!
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