Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Take part at the restaging of a delicate dance piece dealing with feminine intimacy and pleasure this December 8th!

Support us with restaging Rocking Woman Like Rock! A dance piece dedicated to feminine intimacy, offering personal exchange between artists and audience around this still unpacked topic! A unique production that takes you into the world of feminine pleasure, creating a safe space to share personal experiences.
30.11.22 - 08.12.22
December 8th
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
1.760 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Rocking Woman Like Rock is a dance piece, a duet that deals very delicately with feminine pleasure and intimacy. The piece was created slowly from the passion to dance, during the long lockdown, indepentently from any institutional funding. For this reason, we are looking for creative ways to restage this piece which is close to our hearts. Help us make it possible this December 8th!

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Rocking Woman Like Rock is a call out for woman and man to keep reclaiming our rights for our sensuality in body and spirit. The piece premiere provoked an amazing response and rich deep dialoge. We are very looking forward to restage the piece in December again and welcoming more people to take part and exchange around this topic.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Even though the topic of feminine sensuality and sexual objectification has been in the forfront for a while now, there is still a lot to unpack aroud it. The restage of the piece is planned for December 8th, we will perform twice, at 18h and at 20h. After each show there will be a talk with the artists. From our experience the piece, touches people and opens up space for them to reflect on their own personal perspective of feminine intimacy. By financially supporting the production, you are supporting not only a cultural event, but also personal exchange around a vulnerable topic. You may discover a new range of sensitivity to the topic of feminine intimacy.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The funding goal is to restage the piece in 2 occasions on December 8th. This includes the artists fees, the rental expenses, techical expenses and production management.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Smadar Goshen is a free-lance dancer, choreographer and teacher based in Stuttgart. She is a certified Gaga teacher and Gyrokinesis Pre-Trainer.
Selina Koch is a free-lance dancer based in Stuttgart working with Smadar since March 2020
Sophie Giesbertz is a free-lance dancer based in Stuttgart working with smadar since September 2020.
Fernanda is an engineer and a free-lance communicator working with Smadar since October 2022.
Lisa Ticar is a free-lance production manager working with Smadar since last year as a manager and producer.

Smadar Goshen

Smadar Goshen
Smadar Goshen
Reinsburgstr. 154
70197 Stuttgart Deutschland
Rocking Woman Like Rock!
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