Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

A magazine covering the current German underground and alternative music scene.

RISIKO is an independent magazine focusing on culture and the music scene in Germany. The 1st issue will explore the concept of a “WALL” through multiple angles and will include the personal reflections of 30 featured musicians, together with interviews, photographic work, a cinema column, a comic series and more. We are asking for your support to help us print the first issue and make RISIKO come to life!
03.11.20 - 29.11.20
December 2020
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 500 €

- Druckkosten

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

>> EN
RISIKO magazine sets out to cover the current German underground and alternative music scene and will be released in both English & Japanese biannually.
We are passionate about krautrock, Neue Deutsche Welle, the Hamburger Schule, as well as music from the present day. It’s one of our goals to record the real music scene, whilst having fun exploring and presenting the music we love to you, the reader. RISIKO is a passion project, developed by a small team of dedicated contributors giving up their free time for the magazine. We believe in the value of creating an artistic platform for musicians, listeners, creators and those who are curious.

Currently, we are at the fundraising phase for printing our 1st issue. Once published, you will be able to find RISIKO magazine in record shops, galleries and bookstores in Berlin, Tokyo, and Osaka, amongst other locations.

>> DE
RISIKO berichtet über die aktuelle Underground-Musikszene in Deutschland. Die Zeitschrift wird halbjährlich sowohl auf Englisch, als auch auf Japanisch veröffentlicht.
Wir begeistern uns für Krautrock, Neue Deutsche Welle, die Hamburger Schule sowie auch zeitgenössische Musik. Unser Ziel ist es die Musikszene weiterhin tiefgründig zu erforschen und zu analysieren. Dabei ist es uns wichtig, unseren Leser*innen das wahre Gesicht der Szene zu zeigen. RISIKO ist ein nebenberufliches Herzensprojekt, das von unserem kleinen Team mit viel Leidenschaft entwickelt wird. Unsere Absicht ist es eine Plattform für Musiker, Kreative und musikinteressierte Menschen zu kreieren.

Derzeit versuchen wir Geld für unsere erste Ausgabe zu sammeln. Sobald Ausgabe 1 veröffentlicht ist, wird RISIKO in ausgewählten Plattenläden, Galerien und Buchläden in Berlin, Tokio und Osaka erhältlich sein.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

>> EN
・Introducing the German underground and alternative music scene to foreign countries.
・Keeping a record of the German music scene and currently active musicians who are based in Germany.
・Exploring the music that we love.
・Providing a space for musicians to exchange music and culture with one another, regardless of age or genre.

>> DE
Unser Leitbild / Unsere Absicht
・Unseren Leserinnen und Lesern aus dem Ausland einen Einblick in die deutsche Underground-Musikszene zu ermöglichen.
・Unseren Leserinnen und Lesern einen Überblick über die Künstler der deutsche Underground-Musikszene zu verschaffen.
・Am Ball zu bleiben und weiterhin die Musik zu erforschen, die wir lieben.
・Den Künstlerinnen und Künstlern die Möglichkeit einen Ort für einen musikalischen oder kulturellen Austausch anzubieten, ohne Rücksicht auf Alter oder Genre.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

>> EN
The final phase of delivering RISIKO magazine very much depends on the success of this crowdfunding campaign. If you feel curious about this project, we kindly ask for your support– it will be immensely appreciated!

Since the beginning of the pandemic, most concerts and festivals have been cancelled. These are without question very difficult times for those working in the music industry. Through RISIKO, we strive to create a bridge between the reader and the performer. Our aim is that by introducing our favourite musicians, we can provide the spark of inspiration and that will help you find your new favorite artist.

For us at RISIKO, it’s important that we can document cultural happenings and the underground/alternative scene in a more personal, paper format. This, however, requires more investment. By supporting this campaign, you are making a valuable contribution to the print medium and independent magazine culture. What’s more, RISIKO is going to be a cool collectable item on your coffee table!

>> DE
Der letzte Teil dieses Projekts, hängt voll und ganz vom Erfolg unserer Crowdfunding-Kampagne ab. Falls dich unser Projekt interessiert und du dich beteiligen möchtest, wären wir dir für immer dankbar!

Seit dem Beginn der Pandemie, wurden die meisten Konzerte und Festivals abgesagt. Die Musikbranche leidet sehr in diesen schwierigen Zeiten. Mit RISIKO wollen wir versuchen, den Graben zwischen der Leserin oder dem Leser und den Künstlern zu überbrücken. Unser Ziel ist es, dir die Musik die wir lieben vorzustellen und dir dabei zu helfen, neue musikalische Welten zu erobern.

Uns ist es wichtig, kulturelle Ereignisse und die Underground- / Indie-Szene auf ganz persönlicher Art und Weise, nämlich im Print-Format, festzuhalten. Leider beansprucht das jedoch höhere Kosten. Durch das Unterstützen dieser Kampagne, leistest du einen wichtigen Beitrag für das Printmedium und die Independent-Magazin-Kultur. Außerdem dient RISIKO auch als cooles Sammelstück für den Kaffeetisch!

Messages of Support by Musicians

That’s why it’s a worthwhile aim for RISIKO to only write about things that other magazines don’t talk about. We don’t have to read information that we already know–it’s just like having one’s life on repeat.
by Damo Suzuki (CAN)

It’s definitely not a Risiko (German for risk) to read RISIKO. However, not reading it could lead to ignorance, loss of curiosity or even early aging! 
by Moritz R®︎ (Der Plan)

You have the choice. You can choose between a quiet risiko, or a LOUD RISIKO.
by Wolfgang Müller (Die Tödliche Doris)

I am very honored to have been a part of the launching of such an adventurous endeavour. It is important to have a magazine that reflects on the past, whilst venturing into the future.
Its aim is to inspire and enlighten. Yet, putting together a magazine is never an easy task.
It is especially difficult under the present circumstances, but if you don't try, you don't know.
That is why RISIKO needs your support. Remember, no RISIKO, no fun!
by Mark Reeder

RISIKO magazine is a great idea. Those that lived through the ‘80s are not the only ones eagerly anticipating holding a piece of paper in their hands which reflects on the current music scene in the style and spirit of lost fanzine culture.
by Frank Spilker (Die Sterne)

In this dystopian myriad that we find ourselves trapped, it is refreshing to find a bridge to artists that are currently trying to find ways to heal the human condition. Thank you RISIKO, and may you keep the flame of dissident art burning bright.
by King Khan

A time will come where we won’t be endlessly laying low, reading anything we get our hands on. But while this is still the case, why not support our independent journalists? And why not free the jailed ones whilst we’re at it? Yes, media is a weapon– the truth is dangerous! And a big thank you to those that take the risk. RISIKO.
by Melissa E. Logan (Chicks on Speed)

Hey everybody! Please support RISIKO magazine, I can promise you it will be worth it. RISIKO covers a wide range of interesting artists based in Germany, both new and old. On top of all that, the magazine is also going to feature the comic series I’ve been working on called "Dear Cony". The comic is about my experience of transforming into a couch during the early days of the pandemic.
by Oska Wald (Chuckamuck)

RISIKO helped me to become a happier, healthier and a more confident man. I recommend it to everyone I meet. Support it now!
by Jaakko Eino Kalevi

The new RISIKO publication is helping to preserve the legacy of underground culture by connecting legendary artists of the last two generations with the younger ones. Whilst the influence of their predecessors can still be felt, the younger artists are simultaneously carving out a contemporary path of their own.
by Mary Ocher

Risk factor 1 to X! The new time will certainly come! This magazine is curated with a good hand and stylish taste. You should support it!
by Eastie Ro!s

Time keeps moving on and we need another issue of RISIKO. Don’t stop the flow of information– even in a pandemic!
by Camera

RISIKO has a strong vision and curatorial sensibility. You can tell that their artist portraits are approached with great care and a cohesive sense of aesthetic. 
by Fenster

„No RISIKO, no fun“
by Isolation Berlin

Being able to hold something printed in your hands is just the best feeling. We hope that RISIKO magazine doesn't disappear into the ether and that it will still be available for years to come.
by Friends Of Gas

I have a deep feeling for paper magazines and I’m proud that Yukiko was able to publish one. I’m also looking forward to my short column on movies.
by Kyotaro Miula (Minami Deutsch)

RISIKO is a very good magazine. Support them if you can!
by International Music

The bands, the look, and the information that RISIKO brings to the people is something totally new to our scene. We are happy to be part of it!
by Swutscher

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

>> EN
- Magazine printing costs
- Labor costs (staff, etc.)
- Material costs (film, development costs, etc.)
- Merchandise costs
- Shipping and handling charges for each sale

>> DE
- Druckkosten
- Allgemeine Arbeitskosten (Personalkosten etc.)
- Materialkosten (Video, Entwicklungskosten etc.)
- Merchandise-Kosten
- Versand und Bearbeitungsgebühren

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

>> EN
Working behind the scenes of RISIKO there is a small group of international freelancers, writers, artists, designers, photographers and other creatives with a passion for music and culture.

>> DE
Das RISIKO-Team besteht aus einer kleinen internationalen Gruppe von Freelancer*innen, Schriftsteller*innen, Künstler*innen, Designer*innen, Fotograf*innen und anderen kreativen Menschen mit einer Leidenschaft für Musik und Kultur.

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

  • Die Abwicklung getätigter Bestellungen erfolgt entsprechend der angegebenen Lieferzeit direkt durch die Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Die Produktion und Lieferung liegt in der Verantwortung der Projektinhaber:innen selbst.

  • Widerrufe und Rücksendungen erfolgen zu den Bedingungen der jeweiligen Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Widerrufe und Stornos über Startnext sind nicht mehr möglich.

Was heißt das?
RISIKO magazine
Martin Kersten
Kienhorststr. 11
13403 Berlin Deutschland
Support RISIKO magazine
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