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Elenora Pertz’s Debut Solo Piano Album

After over a decade of primarily collaborative work, I am producing my first solo piano album: “Terra”. The album was inspired after solo trips to three different islands, and connects the piano to the earth element. In it I explore the idea of grounding and coming home to oneself through music and the natural world. To raise the funds for the album, I am calling on my community— YOU!— to explore together the ways we can ground through nature and music.
29.05.24 - 05.07.24
Release Early 2025
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 12.000 €

I will be using the funding to pay for the sound engineer, recording engineer, space rental, piano rental and tunings, and travel/housing for the recording days.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

For centuries, classical composers and artists have been inspired by nature: whether it be Vivaldi and Haydn’s exploration of the seasons, Beethoven’s pastoral symphonic setting, or Messiaen’s transcription of bird songs and Crumb’s evocation of whale music. But outside from imitating sounds in the natural world, what exactly is it that we as humans can learn from nature, and how can we as artists bring this into our music?

After spending time on three different islands last year, I found myself reflecting on the earth element. The Earth gives us a sense of grounding, a knowledge that wherever we go we will be supported, and reminds us to gather our energy and return home to ourselves. In a world where our energy is constantly being diffused— whether through overwork, addictive technology, or following the myriad of conflicts in our world— it remains increasingly difficult to stay grounded in ourselves and our truth.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

“Terra” is an exploration of the energy of the earth element through the piano. The pieces selected for this project give a sense of grounding, arrival, and coming home— both sensationally for me, the pianist, as well as for you, the listeners. Many of the composers selected —such as Beethoven, Grieg, Brahms, and Mary Howe— have also written about their relationship to nature, and were known for their various practices and rituals in the natural world that helped to keep them grounded in their creativity and life purpose.

Classical music can often be seen as overly rational, institutionalized, and cerebral, and this project aims to connect it instead to the physical, primal, and instinctual levels of both the natural world and our own inner world. Just as nature presents itself equally to all of us, so does music. The purpose of this project is to use music as a means to connect the listeners with the elemental force of the earth: supportive, rooted, and grounded. It is from this place of centeredness that we can know our truths and live harmoniously in relation to others.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Like many artists, I often question what difference my music can make in such precarious times. I truly believe that there is a connection between the chaos of our inner and outer worlds, and that if everyone were to become more grounded and at home with themselves, there would be no need to start war, exploit our planet for its resources, and be stuck in a never-ending grind to prove our existence. I find nature and music to be two of the most healing modalities in our human experience, and I hope with this CD to bring a sense of coming home and belonging to my listeners.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

With the crowd funding I will be able to cover the sound and recording engineer fees, production costs, piano tunings, PR, as well as the travel and accommodation to the recording venue in Gran Canaria.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

The incredible recording engineer Wolfram Nehls- who has collaborated with artists such as Barbara Hannigan, Jonas Kaumann, Marlis Peterson, Kirill Petrenko and Vladimir Jurowski— will record and master the CD.

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