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We need your help to turn our very special concert in Berlin into a LIVE ALBUM and VIDEO!

Hey guys, we're TILAR! On March 10th, 2024 we're playing a very special concert with an expanded band line-up, featuring two backing vocalists, a guitarist, a percussionist and lots of NEW SONGS! To make this unique concert accessible to all of our fans from around the world, we want to release it as a digital album and a video.
09.01.24 - 03.03.24
until November 2024
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 2.600 €

The money will be used to cover the costs for the featured musicians, technical support, videographers, photographers, travels, mixing, master & video editing.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

In 2022 we released our first album “Over the Moon” – now in 2024 it’s finally time for more music!
Since our music lives and works best when played in a live setting, with YOU as a great audience to dance, sing and interact with, our next goal is to release a live album with some hits that you may already know, but also new music, written specifically for this occasion!
We are playing on March 10th in Gretchen, Berlin (get your tickets here), together with several guest musicians - two backing singers, a guitarist and a percussionist who will support us musically.
To make the experience accessible to all of y'all around the world, in addition to releasing the album, we will also record the performance and release it as a digital album and video.

The release date for both the digital album and the video is November 15th, 2024.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Our goal is to release a killer live album and live video for YOU: people who love energetic jazz-funk music.
We received artist funding from the “Initiative Music” for this project, but this is not yet enough to adequately compensate everyone involved in the project, which is very important to us.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

As an eight-piece band, we play demanding pieces that are fun not only as studio recordings, but especially live.
We want to entertain our audience, make you dance, let your everyday worries fade into the background and take our listeners into a glittering parallel universe with our colorful vibe. We are regularly thrilled by the people dancing right in front of the stage, singing along to our melodies and bringing the music to life with us.
It is precisely these moving and quite humorous interactions with the audience that characterize our concerts.
We want to bring this experience into your living room by documenting our biggest live show yet at Gretchen, Berlin.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money of the funding goal goes into:

  • paying our guest musicians, technical support, videographers and photographers appropriately
  • travel costs
  • mixing & mastering the live album
  • editing the live video

Included in the goal are also the costs for the crowdfunding campaign (transaction fees, Start Next provision, postage for rewards etc...).
If we don't reach the funding goal, you will of course receive your money back!

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Regular bandmembers of TILAR are:

  • Clara Lucas - Vocals
  • Joshua Milo - Keys
  • Philipp Schäfer - Bass
  • Tom Glaser - Drums
  • Lisa Buchholz - Trumpet
  • Wim Schulze - Tenor Sax
  • Carla Köllner - Trombone

Guest Musicians:

  • Cait Harris - Backing Vocals
  • Zuza Jasinska - Backing Vocals
  • Lucy Liebe - Guitar
  • Karl F. Degenhardt - Percussion
  • 2nd Trumpet - tba
Philipp Schäfer
Rochusstraße 132-134
53123 Bonn Deutschland
TILAR Live Album
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