Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Frauen & die LGBTQ+-Community werden weltweit mit körperlicher, verbaler und nonverbaler Belästigung konfrontiert. Kriminalität und Belästigung im öffentlichen Raum sind auf verschiedene Faktoren zurückzuführen, wobei Stadtplanung eine entscheidende, aber übersehene Rolle spielt. UrbView entwickelt eine KI, die Risikofaktoren in der Stadtplanung identifiziert. Unsere preisgekrönte Lösung unterstützt Stadtplanungsbüros und Behörden bei der Schaffung von inklusiven, sicheren Städten für alle.
06.05.24 - 01.09.24
MVP-Einführung Sommer 2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 73.733 €

Unser erstes finanzielles Ziel ist es, 5000 € aufzubringen, um den ersten Teil unserer technischen Kosten zu decken, einschließlich des Kaufs von zwei Laptops und der Bezahlung von Software-Abonnements.

Social Business
Widget einbinden
Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel
Städte & Gemeinden

Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Women and LGBTQ+ individuals face pervasive physical, verbal, and non-verbal harassment in public spaces worldwide. In Germany, studies reveal that 40% of women have encountered such harassment. Around 1 million annual crimes are reported in urban areas, impacting citizens' perception and use of public spaces. The ensuing problems of street harassment and crimes in urban spaces extend beyond the immediate psychological toll on victims. Marginalized groups (aka potential victims) as studies suggest, experience obstacles in using public transportation, opting for non-sustainable alternatives like taxis or private cars. Notably, 36.7% of the general population and 66% of women feel unsafe using public transport at night in Germany. The fear of harassment also deters engagement in active transport (walking and cycling), leading to reduced exercise for women and LGBTQ+ members. Moreover, the impact trickles down to businesses located in unsafe areas, causing financial losses for restaurants and shops.
Crime and sexual harassment in public spaces stems from various factors, with urban planning and city design playing a pivotal but overlooked role. Research underscores the significant impact of built environment factors like mixed land use, building density, placement of hedges, benches etc. on the pattern of direct light, visibility, visual privacy, occlusivity, open space, and more in an area. Therefore, design factors of an urban space demonstrated to be closely correlated with citizens’ perception of safety and crimes. Current urban planning lacks technological tools for security and crime prevention. UrbView addresses this gap with AI-based tools, enhancing urban environments and reducing street harassment and crime rates.
UrbView's innovative methodology employs cutting-edge AI models that analyze city images, textual data, and statistical crime data. By identifying urban planning errors contributing to crime occurrences, our solution empowers urban planners and architects to proactively assess and enhance the safety of their designs. This transformative approach distinguishes UrbView from traditional methods that primarily rely on citizen alert systems, emphasizing the importance of preventive urban planning to foster a safer environment. UrbView s analysis and tools can be used by different stakeholders, including real estate companies, Urban crime prevention department (Städtebauliche Kriminalprävention) in police, security and infrastructure units in public transport companies, as well as private urban planning firms and consultancies. By providing actionable insights for efficient location planning and error identification before construction which is derived from comprehensive data analysis, UrbView becomes an invaluable ally for these entities. UrbView approach will contribute to enhanced safety, informed decision-making, and the creation of urban spaces that prioritize the well-being of all citizens.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

We're a startup focused on making a positive social impact, and here's what we aim to achieve:
1. Reducing Crimes and Street Harassment: By implementing our solutions, we aim to lower the number of crimes and incidents of street harassment in urban areas.
2. Raising Awareness: We want to educate city governments, politicians, architects, and city planners about the importance of safe urban planning to tackle street harassment and crimes.
3. Improving Mental and Physical Well-being: Creating safer urban environments benefits everyone's mental and physical health including women and LGBTQ+, and other minorities.
4. Promoting Sustainable Transportation: We want to encourage the use of sustainable transport options like public transport, walking, and cycling by making urban spaces safer.

Our technology is designed for both private and public stakeholders involved in city safety and design:

  • Landeskriminalamt
  • Urban development/planning companies
  • Real estate companies
  • Public transport companies

While these stakeholders benefit directly from our technology, the ultimate beneficiaries are the general public. UrbView's impact extends to the safety and well-being of all citizens in metropolitan areas.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

In UrbView, our aim is simple: to create safe cities for everyone, regardless of gender or race. What makes UrbView different from other solutions is our fresh approach to tackling street harassment and urban crimes. Instead of just relying on apps that alert people on dangerous locations, we focus on improving the design of areas where problems occur. This means we're not just putting the responsibility on citizens to stay safe; we're actively making places safer through better urban planning and design.
Supporting UrbView means making life better for everyone in your city and beyond. Our technology which has been the winner of several awards and funding isn't limited to one place—it can be adapted for different cities in Germany and even other countries. By backing UrbView, you're joining us to take further steps towards our vision "Designing Cities for All Genders and Colours".

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

With a contribution in our project, you will support the following impacts:
Product Development:
For this aspect, we're aiming to enhance our product in a couple of ways. Firstly, we'll be allocating funds towards essential needs such as purchasing laptops and securing software subscriptions, ensuring smooth operations. Additionally, allocating budget to services like AWS are key steps to empower our team's productivity. Moreover, we're keen on collaborating with external urban planners who specialize in computational design, urban data science and analytics. Their expertise will be invaluable in refining our product to better serve our mission.
Legal Expenses:
Navigating the legal landscape, particularly concerning data and AI regulations in Germany and the EU, is crucial. To ensure compliance, we'll be engaging lawyers and tax advisors. Their guidance will be instrumental in safeguarding our operations.
Urgent Needs:
Our immediate needs include covering legal and tax advisor fees, acquiring laptops, engaging urban planner students, and accounting for any unforeseen expenses. The total for these urgent requirements amounts to €37,390.20 including taxes.
Further Development and Market Launch:
Looking ahead, we're focused on sustaining momentum in product development and preparing for a successful market launch. This entails hiring a part-time urban planner consultant with computational design expertise, securing 3 months' worth of salaries until our investment round is finalized, and allocating funds for AWS services. The total for these ongoing initiatives comes to €36,343, including taxes.
Total Funding Required:
In sum, we're seeking €73,733.20, including taxes, to fulfill our immediate needs and sustain momentum in product development and market launch preparations.

Your support will play a pivotal role in helping us achieve our goals and bring our vision to life. Thank you for considering joining us on this journey!

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

1. Elnaz Nouri: Doctor of Dental Surgery & Master of Public Health
Elnaz's background in the management positions and research on the health impacts of street harassment and health Impact assessment of urban environment provide a unique blend of academic knowledge and practical experience. Her dedication to addressing discrimination against women in her home country, Iran, and her commitment to creating safer public spaces make her a passionate leader for UrbView.
2. Gerard Jover Pujol: Engineer's degree, Data Engineering
Gerard is a big data and deep learning expert, possesses over three years of experience in AI research and industry projects. His expertise in developing and deploying AI models, ML architecture design, and data lifecycle management plays a crucial role in UrbView's technological advancements. His role in UrbView evolves around designing end-to-end solutions and direct interactions with users to identify their needs.
3. Adri Molina Rodriguez: Master’s Degree in Computer Vision and PhD candidate
Adri is a computer vision scientist and has an extensive knowledge in the area of data management and data governance. His commitment to leveraging AI for urban safety aligns with UrbView's mission. His responsibilities include employing AI models for sentiment analysis and keyword extraction from data.
4. Netta Emanuel: Master's degree in French (main subject), Italian and Law (minor subjects)
In her professional career, Netta has successfully led teams and established strategic partnerships with well-known companies like Apple, Google and Deutsche Telekom. Netta's experience in digitalization, marketing, and sales, makes her instrumental in financial planning and business development of UrbView. Her commitment to safety, and advocacy for women further strengthens UrbView's mission.
5. Rishabh Haria: Master of Science Embedded Systems
Rishabh brings advanced skills in data science and machine learning, showcased by his groundbreaking research on gender prediction through eye movements. His experience in developing machine learning models and managing data is crucial for UrbView's data-driven approach.
6. Franziska Vogg : Master’s degree in International Criminology (consultant)
As a criminology expert, Franziska's insight into the widespread nature of harassment and crime in public spaces, gained during her master's degree, provides valuable perspectives. Her role involves evaluating the content and quality of crime and harassment data, ensuring UrbView's solutions align with real-world criminological challenges.
Moreover, UrbView is backed by external urban planners, notably Josip Bojcer who has brought valuable expertise, enhancing client consultations and support.
This interdisciplinary team, fueled by our shared commitment to safety and inclusivity make us the right people to pioneer UrbView's innovative approach to combating crime and street harassment through urban planning and AI-driven solutions.

UrbView Gang!

Welche Nachhaltigkeitsziele verfolgt dieses Projekt?

Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel

Städte & Gemeinden

Warum zahlt das Projekt auf dieses Ziel ein?

Durch die Einbeziehung einer sozialen Perspektive in die Stadtplanung versucht das Projekt, die allgemeine Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit von Städten (SDG 11) zu verbessern und sie lebenswerter und zugänglicher für alle zu machen.
Indem es sich auf die Sicherheit von Frauen und LGBTQ+ im öffentlichen Raum konzentriert, trägt UrbView auch zur Förderung der Geschlechtergleichstellung (SDG 5) bei.

Dieses Projekt zahlt außerdem auf diese Ziele ein


Das Crowdfunding-Projekt wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Das Unterstützen und Bestellen ist auf Startnext nicht mehr möglich.

  • Die Abwicklung getätigter Bestellungen erfolgt entsprechend der angegebenen Lieferzeit direkt durch die Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Die Produktion und Lieferung liegt in der Verantwortung der Projektinhaber:innen selbst.

  • Widerrufe und Rücksendungen erfolgen zu den Bedingungen der jeweiligen Projektinhaber:innen.

  • Widerrufe und Stornos über Startnext sind nicht mehr möglich.

Was heißt das?
Nouri, Jover Pujol, Emanuel, Haria GbR
Elham (aka Elnaz) Nouri
Appener Weg 11
20251 Hamburg Deutschland


Social Impact Award

UrbView gewann 2022 den Social Impact Jury Award.

IDEA Preis

IDEA (Innovation in Digital Equality Award)
Mit dem Preis honoriert und fördert der Senat Innovation und Engagement im Bereich der Gleichstellung und Geschlechtergere


AI.STARTUP.HUB fördert innovative KI-Startups und Ideen aus der gesamten norddeutschen Region und macht das bestehende KI-Ökosystem sichtbar und stärker.

IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH

Die IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH fördert technologieorientierte Existenzgründungen und junge, innovative Unternehmen in Hamburg.

UrbView: "Designing Cities for All Genders and Colours"
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