Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Good vibes kids fashion: sustainable, fair and vegan.

We all know & care about the harm done to animals when it comes to eating them. But think about it: animals are treated just as bad when it comes to exploiting them for raw materials like wool or leather. While there is already a choice of vegan brands & shops for adults, there is no shop which lets you buy kids clothing without harming animals. VEGAN CHILD is pushing for a new ethical standard: sustainable, fair & cruelty-free. We are all in this world together - let's make it beautiful!
21.06.17 - 15.08.17
October 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
30.000 €
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Behind the scenes 1

Nannette Swed
Nannette Swed2 min Lesezeit

17 days to go. It's time to show you who is working behind the scenes. Meet Karolina, who produces the sweetest newborn shoes in the world.

Karolina lives and works in a small city close to Cologne, Germany. She creates her newborn shoes to celebrate new life.

I am happy when women are writing me that they used my shoes to tell their husbands that they were having a baby. My shoes are not just shoes. They get a meaning once you put them on your babies feet: the first shoe to enter this world, a physical memory of this special time. Many memories of the magical moments that we have with our newborns fade. Holding these little sweet shoes in our hands will revive some of them. This is what gives meaning to what I do and this is what I enjoy.

Karolina uses certified organic cotton fabrics that she chooses with great care, taking hours to drown herself in fabric shops untill she finds the perfect material. When she started her design studies she could not sew and had to hard work on this skill. Her weakness has turned into her strength since then. She is a perfectionist: you won’t find finer and softer seams in a baby shoe, greater color compositions and a more gentle touch on your baby’s foot than with her shoes.

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Was heißt das?
Ethical Kids Fashion GmbH
Nannette Swed
Schliemannstr. 49
10437 Berlin Germany
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