Crowdfunding since 2010

Radio Revolten. 30 Days of Radio Art

Crowdfunding successfully finished
7,454 €

A book about contemporary radio.

For the month of October 2016 the International Radio Art Festival Radio Revolten gathered 100 of today’s radio artists in the city of Halle (Saale) in Germany, hosted by the community radio station CORAX. Radio Revolten featured Mehr anzeigen

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Funding period
05.02.18 - 05.03.18
April 2017
Minimum amount (Start level): 6,000 €
The majority of the costs of the book are covered by support from cultural organisations and donations. €6,000 is still needed for the realisation of the print,
Halle (Saale)
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Peter Dererste
Peter Dererste
2518 days ago
Radio ist schon seit der frühen Jugend mein Lieblingsmedium. Gäbe es heute nur die Privatsender und die immer angepassteren Öffentlichen, wäre das schon lange nicht mehr so. Radio Corax, das Netzwerk der Freien Radios und ihre Aktivitäten wie die Radio Revolten haben mich gerettet. :-)
Andreas Florian
Andreas Florian
2527 days ago
Die Radio Revolten 2016 waren super und Radio Corax sowieso. Gutes Gelingen!

The all-or-nothing crowdfunding was successfully financed and completed 

  • Rewards can no longer be ordered.
  • The collected amount is/was paid out to the project.
  • The amount of each support will be/was collected at the end of the project.
  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves. You will receive updates in the project blog.
  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the project owner‘s terms and conditions.
  • Withdrawals and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.
Legal notice
Corax e. V. – Initiative für Freies Radio
Unterberg 11
06108 Halle (Saale) Deutschland

vertreten vom Vereinsvorstand (Helene Flick, Stella Gebauer, Lukas Holfeld, Jonas Katzmann, Philine Lewek)
eingetragen im Vereinsregister beim Amtsgericht Stendal (VR 21137)

Radio Revolten. 30 Days of Radio Art
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