Crowdfunding since 2010

The WDD has been celebrated in Ulm for 8 years already. This year we could not get the funding, but we think 100 dance students deserve to live it.

The World Dance Day has been celebrated world wide since 1982 and in Ulm for 8 years already. The main purpose of these events is to attract the attention of the wider public to the art of dance. More than 400 students, 15 choreographers and 1000 public members were involved in last year´s event and we expect to have even more this year. We normally get the funding from the city council, but this year we were not so lucky. We still think people and dancers deserve to live the day of the dance
Funding period
2/6/18 - 3/31/18
29th April 2018
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,500 €

Bus with speakers, Gema rights for the music, tshirts for the dancers, posters and flyers, Stadt Ulm permit. Choreographers, helpers and producers are not payed

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Save the World Dance Day - Rette den Welttanztag
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