Crowdfunding since 2010


Park Slope Food Coop

Our New York sister is our role model and we are in close contact. Some members of the SuperCoop joined us directly after moving from New York to Berlin.

La Louve

Our sister in Paris and SuperCoop are in close contact and support us in order to accelerate the turnaround in food retailing. Many products are inspired by La Louve and are unique in Berlin.

GLS Bank

GLS Bank is our house bank, which has supported us in all our expansions.


We source the majority of our vegetables from Speisegut. We are allowed to advertise in their networks and SuperCoop members work there until the harvest.

Green Buddy Award 2023 Sonderpreis

Die SuperCoop gewann 2023 den Green Buddy Award in der Sonderkategorie "Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt"


The search engine that plants trees...ECOSIA supports SuperCoop with free ads for the duration of the Startnext campaign.

HDI Versicherungen

HDI addiert am Ende des Crowdfundings 25% auf alle ab dem 10.06.24 eingeworbenen Dankeschöns! Danke an HDI Versicherungen für das Co-Funding!

Park Slope Food Coop

Our New York sister is our role model and we are in close contact. Some members of the SuperCoop joined us directly after moving from New York to Berlin.

La Louve

Our sister in Paris and SuperCoop are in close contact and support us in order to accelerate the turnaround in food retailing. Many products are inspired by La Louve and are unique in Berlin.

SuperCoop - Your community supermarket
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