Crowdfunding since 2010

Plant a resilient, self-sufficient paradise with us, which produces high-quality food and provides sustainable solutions.

With the syntropic agroforestry, we want to create a place where healthy, regional and seasonal food can be grown in a resource-saving and resilient way in the course of the changing climate. In addition, the plantation is intended to serve as a place of learning for interested parties and other land users.
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Funding period
9/5/22 - 10/31/22
Winter 2022/23
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 6,500 €

Die 8500€ sind für Pflanzen, Saatgut, organisches Material, Werkzeuge und Unterstützung des Projekts durch Experten bestimmt.

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Primary sustainable development goal
Climate action

What is this project all about?

A regenerated ecosystem for rich food production!

With the help of the syntropic agroforestry system, we want to build a regenerated ecosystem. Such a system can provide us with the highest quality food!

The advantages of the syntropic agroforestry system:

It is ...

  • economically viable
  • resilient to climatic changes
  • independent of financial or technical resources, global corporations and global supply chains

What makes syntropic agroforestry so special:

Syntropic agroforestry works with nature and not against it! In other words, strategies are used that are similar to how natural ecosystems work.

Education is important to us!

With your support, we can also reach an open educational institution with which we can actively pass on knowledge.
In this way, other land users can be inspired to tackle holistic issues at a supra-regional level, such as...

  • Species extinction
  • Drinking water pollution
  • Weather extremes
  • and lack of food sovereignty

For more information on syntropic agroforestry we have produced a video for you. You can find it here:

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Aims of the project:

  • sustainable, resilient cultivation of food
  • simultaneous regeneration of ecosystems
  • setting up a place of learning that enables the transfer of knowledge about syntropy, among other things

The target group are...

...all people who want to be part of the solution for a sustainable world with us.

Why would you support this project?

As pioneers in the necessary agricultural turnaround, we want to use sustainable methods and pass this on to other people, so that we and you are part of the solution and not the problem in times of advancing climate change.
Only together can we take a resilient path to an ecologically, economically and socially stable future!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The 8500€ are divided as follows:

  • 6100€ for seedlings and seeds
  • 900€ for organic material (wood chips/compost)
  • 1200€ for the support of the project by experts
  • 300€ for tools

Who are the people behind the project?

The team from the community farm Hof vErde

The core consists of Lilly, Cori and Georg, with many people being part of the project for longer or shorter periods of time. In addition to people from the region who spend their weekends or after work here, there are always volunteers from all over the world.

About the people:
Lilly: Our cosmopolitan Lilly has already traveled to many parts of the world, made international friends and discovered many cultures for herself. After successfully completing her studies in social economics in Nuremberg, she finally decided to follow her own roots. So she moved to Kleinsendelbach to her grandparents' farmhouse. In every phase of her life, Lilly showed pedagogical commitment, whether as a scout leader, lecturer or guitar teacher. She would like to use the planned premises on the farm to create a place of learning for young and old - for topics like environmental education, sustainable consumption and agriculture. In addition to her musical talent, Lilly enriches us as an organizational artist. Despite all the diverse challenges, she is the one who always keeps an overview - not least because of her hight.
Cori: As a qualified geographer and enthusiastic globetrotter, Cori is the driving force behind the permaculture approach. In addition, she benefits from the wide range of experiences she has gained as a voluntary »workawayer« all over the world. For her bachelor thesis she did research on environmental education and plans – building on her experience as a former girl scout – to live out her passion for environmental education in future projects on the farm. In addition to her work at the community farm, she is training to become a naturopath.
Georg: For Lilly's father Georg, the farm manifests part of his family history. He knows the farm and the country that belongs to it like the back of his hand. He is particularly adept at using simple means to solve complicated problems in innovative ways. Georg is our technical expert and is the only one who knows the tractors and small machines on our farm that have been passed down through the generations, which are probably still usable as old relics from earlier real divisions thanks to his specialist knowledge. In his free time, Georg volunteers for local and national clubs and is a passionate bowler.

Gemeinschaftshof vErde

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Climate action

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Im Zuge des sich verschärfenden Klimawandels möchten wir das vielfältige Potential der Landwirtschaft nutzen, indem wir ein resilientes System erschaffen, welches eine nahrhafte Fülle an Lebensmitteln produziert und gleichzeitig Ökosysteme regeneriert.
Da es nicht auf Input von außen angewiesen ist, befähigt es vor allem weniger Privilegierte, sich und andere zu ernähren und zur Ökosystemregeneration beizutragen, was wir durch das syntropische Bildungszentrum vorantreiben möchten.

We are not the intelligent ones of the system, but part of an intelligent system. - Ernst Götsch
This project has passed the Startnext check up.
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Hof vErde
Lisa Schmidtlein
Hauptstraße 25
91077 Kleinsendelbach Deutschland

10/17/22 - Liebe Unterstützer:innen, Vielen Dank für...

Liebe Unterstützer:innen,
Vielen Dank für eure großartige Hilfe!!
Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation haben wir uns erneut an die konkreten Zahlen gesetzt und konnten unser Startlevel reduzieren. Durch günstigere Preise bei bestimmten Pflanzen, das Selberziehen einiger anderer Pflanzen und der Möglichkeit von Sachspenden werden wir es so schaffen, mit 6500€ das System anzulegen.
Euer Hof vErde

Syntropic agroforestry on Hof vErde
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