Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

I dream to practice and produce music at any time

I'm excited to share my latest project with you: building a sound proof practice cabin at home so that I can practice and produce music at any time. I'm reaching out to you to help me fund the materials needed to make this dream a reality. With your support, I can create a space to perfect my craft and share my passion with the world. The outcome will be more music and videos of me and my projects in the future, and of course, I'm happy to share all my experience. Let's make it real together!
18.05.23 - 15.06.23
until June/July 2023
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

I imagine starting my day with an hour of practice or recording music, while the rest of the house is still asleep. Then I'd have a coffee and breakfast and start with my daily business.

So I started this project of building my own practice cabin in my apartment so that I can practice and record at any time.

To ensure minimal sound leakage, the cabin will be a room-in-room construction, incorporating carefully selected soundproofing materials and acoustic elements. Additionally, I plan to integrate a compact audio control station, allowing me to engage in home recordings and productions for both myself and my bands. The funds collected through this crowdfunding campaign will be allocated towards covering the costs of the necessary materials.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

I want to inspire people with my music, to share beauty and passion through the art I'm creating. In my daily life it's not always easy to find time and space for real inspiration and creation. Practicing at home annoys my neighbours, my practice room is small and far away and I can't record there, etc.
The purpose of constructing this practice cabin is to establish a dedicated space within my apartment—a personal sanctuary where I can consistently engage in practice, production, and creative expression.
With the crowdfunding I want to cover the costs of the materials so that I can proceed smoothly with the work and share my experience of the whole process with you as soon as possible.

This project is interesting for those who appreciate my music and artistic endeavors and desire to hear more of it. It also holds relevance for individuals who are maybe interested in doing a similar project and can benefit from my experience and insights, that I'm very happy to share!

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

By supporting my project, you become a part of a creative journey where I aim to inspire people through my music and artistic expression. Your support enables me to continue creating and sharing beautiful and passionate art that resonates with others. With your help, I can dedicate more time and effort to refining my skills, exploring new musical territories, and honing my craft.

As a supporter, you gain access to exclusive content and updates throughout the entire process. You'll have a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the practice cabin, witnessing the transformation from concept to reality. Your support directly contributes to the realization of my dream and helps me establish a dedicated space for creativity. By supporting independent artists, you play a crucial role in nurturing a diverse artistic landscape and promoting the importance of art in our lives.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The funds raised through this campaign will be utilized to acquire all the necessary materials for bringing the project to life. This includes the procurement of wood, soundproofing materials, and essential tools. Additionally, if I surpass my funding goal, the surplus will be allocated towards acquiring acoustic elements that will enhance the sound quality within the cabin, optimizing it for recordings and productions. Your contribution will directly support the acquisition of these crucial components, ensuring the successful realization of this project.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

I am Jakob Hofmann, a passionate percussionist and multi-instrumentalist residing in Leipzig, Germany. Music has been the driving force behind my entire existence, and my ultimate goal is to touch people's hearts and inspire them through my musical creations.

I have pursued my academic journey, completing both a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Latin and Turkish Percussion in Nuremberg and Rotterdam. My musical pursuits have primarily revolved around Eastern and world music, where I have dedicated considerable focus. However, I also delve into various genres such as European folk, jazz, rock, pop, crossover, and electronica, allowing me to explore a wide range of artistic expressions.

Through this project, I am thrilled to embark on a new chapter in my musical journey, as I endeavor to construct a practice cabin that will enable me to delve even deeper into my craft. Your support will not only contribute to the realization of this dream but also allow me to continue sharing my musical endeavors and inspiring others through the power of music

Jakob's Sound Proof Practice Cabin
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